Regulation of ear tag for animal disease prevention and control 动物防疫耳标规范
We will accelerate reform of the veterinary medicine management system and development of the animal disease prevention and control system 加快兽医管理体制改革和动物疫病防控体系建设。
Moa and its related departments at local levels exert control over domestic animal diseases through measures on disease prevention , quarantine , control and eradication , supervision of animal disease prevention and transportation administration 农业部门通过对国内流通领域的动物疫病的预防、动物和动物产品的检疫、疫病的控制和扑灭、动物防疫监督以及运输控制等环节实现对动物疾病的卫生控制。
Plan , yanbian animal and husbandry bureau organized the training course at antu county of yanbian prefecture during sept . 6 - 15 , 2006 . the training was mainly on animal disease prevention and control on diagnosis and testing capacity , as well as the way of using and safe keeping vaccine 按照中加动物健康北京项目办的计划,并得到该项目的资金支持,延边州牧业管理局于2006年9月6日至15日,在安图县举办了一次“
Yangzhou uni - bio pharmaceutical co . , ltd , a joint shareholding enterprises formed by poultry institute , chinese academy of agricultural sciences and changzhou lihua livestock & poultry co . , ltd , is a high - tech enterprises professional in research & development , production and marketing of biological products used in animal disease prevention and treatment 扬州优邦生物制药有限公司是由中国农业科学院家禽研究所与常州立华畜禽有限公司共同投资组建的股份制企业,是专业从事动物疫病预防、治疗用生物制品的研发、生产和销售的高新技术企业。